This website has been
set up with funds from the RIBA Research Trust with the primary
aim of investigating the social and economic benefits to users of buildings
making use of recyclable building technologies and appropriate applications
for the technology. This section includes information on the RIBA Research
Trust funded project 'Recyclable Buildings: Environmental, social and
economic benefits of recyclable building technologies' as well as
a selection of papers on other related research.
- Further information
on designing for dismantling and reuse and recycling can be found on
the CIB 39 Task Group website hosted by Florida University (www.cce.ufl.edu/affiliations/cib/).
This website contains papers published as part of the CIB 39 Task Group
which facilitated the exchange of research experience among a network
of academics who have been researching the general area of recyclable
and dismantleable buildings. Aspects researched include historic analysis
of reuse of buildings and building elements, the impact of recycling
and reusing building elements on the embodied energy of a building,
principles for assessing the ability of buildings to be recycled and
principles of designing buildings to enable dismantling and recycling.
- The Housing Corporation
has funded a recycled materials resource website that includes manufacuters
of building products and materials with a high percentage of recycled
content (www.ecoconstruction.org).